Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Journey Begins: Goodbye Cape Town

Cape Town: the sun, the sea, the beach and of course the beautiful mountain!

We are taking an opportunity to take a 6 month sabbatical to travel, learn more about ourselves and each other, visit friends and family and to expand our knowledge base in areas that interest each of us.
We've taken leave from our jobs, packed up and rented out our house, found a temporary home for our kittens and we leave tomorrow.

So, where are we going?
We're not 100's sure. Definitely the UK and Croatia, and hopefully Wales, Ireland, Scotland, France, Italy, Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and Tasmania (I know that's not a separate country). We'll see where the road takes us.

First stop: Spring in London.


  1. Happy travelling! See you tomorrow.
    Love Jen and Charles

  2. have fun. Your kitties are in good hands. :)

  3. Veronica and Dave Mitchell11 April 2012 at 21:41

    Wishing you both lots of fantastic experiences and safe travels. Well done to you for grabbing this opportunity

  4. YEAH - enjoy london spring! will you be around for the olympics?
